Jacqueline Peterson

  • Your Guide To Garage Door Repair Services

    To always make sure that your garage door is serving you, it is important that you understand some of the things that you can do for maintenance and repair. Caring for your garage door will let you move in and out whenever you need to while also keeping the door safe. With this as your priority, read below and assess these variables, so that you are able to get nothing but top notch garage door repair services when you need them the most.
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  • 5 Ways To Repurpose Your Old Garage Doors

    Your garage doors have served you well, but eventually all good things must end.  As you get a new set of doors for your garage, the question remains: what should you do with the old ones?  Well, you could take the boring option and either junk them or give them away, but where is the fun in that?  Here are a few exciting and creative ideas that will let you re use those doors.
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  • Options To Consider When Choosing An Attractive New Garage Door

    If your home was built in the last decade or so, the garage probably makes up a large part of the front of your home. Newer homes are built with convenience in mind, so you can pull from the street directly into the garage and enter your house. Because of this, you want an attractive garage door so your home maintains its curb appeal. Choosing a garage door based on appearance is a matter of personal taste, but the door should complement the style and color of the rest of your home's exterior.
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  • What Can You Do To Protect A Valuable Car?

    Purchasing the most expensive vehicle you've ever owned is exciting, but also nerve wracking. What if something happens to the vehicle? Thankfully, there are a couple of things to consider for protecting your purchase. Get Great Auto Insurance Before you drive the car out of your garage, make sure that it has an insurance plan that is befitting a valuable car. If you can't afford to replace it, make sure it's well-insured.
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  • Maintaining A Garage Door

    Your garage door keeps the snow from your car in the winter, keeps the dust out of the garage, and can give you a private working area. A garage and a garage door are great assets to a home, but they need to be maintained, or they can turn into a hassle. There are specific things that you want to do to your garage door to extend its life and keep it working properly.
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  • Shhh: Tips For Quieting A Noisy Garage Door

    If you've noticed that your garage door is growing progressively louder and more noisy, you may be wondering what you can do to quiet all that ruckus. While you might think that your only option is to call a garage door repair technician, there are a few things that you can do yourself to try to quiet things down first. Here's a look at a couple of basic steps you should take before you make that service call.
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  • Maintaining Your Garage Door

    Installing a new garage door will feel like a huge accomplishment because it is going to give you and your car a warm place in the winter and a cool place in the summer. No more walking out and having to scrape snow off of your car during the winter. So, when you install your garage door, be sure that you maintain it properly. Here are a few tips to help you keep your garage door working properly.
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  • 4 Summer Garage Door Maintenance Tasks

    Summertime is a great time of year to pay a little attention to your garage door. Doing a little maintenance to your garage door will help ensure that it lasts for a long time and will help ensure that it continues to operate smoothly. Tighten Up Loose Parts The first thing you should do is get out a screwdriver and a wrench. Use both of these tools to check all the screws and bolts along your garage door, including the ones on the side and the ones on the parts of your garage door that fold.
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  • Recent Rash Of Burglaries In Your Neighborhood? 3 Ways To Improve Home Security With Your Garage Door

    Hearing the news about a nearby burglary sent you running to double check that you locked your front door. While this is an effective safety strategy, it is important to note that many people overlook one of the largest entrances to their homes. Your garage houses some of your most valuable property, and it provides a convenient entrance for burglars who can take advantage of the door width to exit with big ticket items such as electronics and furniture.
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